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This Italian Learning Philosophy is closer to Indian culture than you think.

The Reggio Emilia approach to early childhood education is renowned for its child-centred philosophy and emphasis on self-directed, experiential learning. This approach, which originated in Italy, shares many similarities with traditional Indian parenting, where children learn through observation, participation, and interaction within their communities. Both methodologies value the role of the environment in learning and recognize children as capable individuals with innate curiosity and potential. At Younglings Early Years, we embrace these principles, creating a nurturing and stimulating environment that mirrors these time-tested practices.

Educational philosophies like Waldorf and Montessori have also gained popularity in India. The Waldorf method emphasizes creative play, artistic expression, and the development of imagination, aligning well with traditional Indian values of holistic education. Meanwhile, the Montessori approach focuses on self-directed activity, hands-on learning, and collaborative play. It encourages independence and respects each child's individual pace of learning. We consider the Reggio Emilia approach the most appropriate in today’s context, as it combines the strengths of both Waldorf and Montessori. It integrates creative play and artistic expression with hands-on, self-directed learning, providing a comprehensive and dynamic educational framework.

In setting up Younglings Early Years in Gurgaon in 2022, we focused on learning methodologies for the 0-3 age group, particularly our toddler program. These early years are critical for brain development, language acquisition, and social skills. Our journey revealed that young children thrive in environments that offer rich sensory experiences, opportunities for exploration, and consistent routines. This insight shaped our programs, ensuring that our youngest learners receive the support and stimulation they need during these formative years.

Research has consistently shown that the period from birth to six years is the most crucial for a child's development. Yet, in India, the 0-3 age group often remains at home, missing out on structured early learning experiences. This period is vital for establishing cognitive, emotional, and social foundations that will impact lifelong learning and behaviour. By delaying structured learning until after age three, not only do we waste the precious energy our younglings have starting at age 1, but we also miss a critical window for nurturing a child's potential. Early education programs designed specifically for toddlers can provide the necessary environment for optimal development.

At Younglings, we developed our CARE framework—Connection, Autonomy, Reflection, and Expression—to address these needs. Our experiments with starting a Reggio Emilia-inspired school in Gurgaon taught us the importance of a holistic approach to early education. This modern gurukul model emphasizes the interconnectedness of all learning experiences. Having run schools for a decade in India, Nepal, and Kenya, we have developed an understanding of how culture plays into the curriculum and how deeply intertwined both are. This experience has reinforced the value of providing a balanced, child-centric education that promotes overall development.

We pride ourselves on offering one of the best toddler experiences in the country. At Younglings, after years of effort and testing what works, we have developed what we believe is the best toddler program in Gurgaon and India. Our program combines structured learning with ample opportunities for free play, fostering creativity, critical thinking, and social skills. We are committed to providing an environment where young children can thrive and reach their full potential.

Despite the growing recognition of early years education, many parents still need to understand the importance of education for the 0-3 age group and the benefits of progressive education models. Milestone-based development and learning should take precedence over age-based benchmarks. This approach acknowledges that each child develops at their own pace and provides individualized support to help them achieve key developmental milestones. At Younglings Early Years, our toddler program in Gurgaon demonstrates the effectiveness of this approach, with children settling in more easily and showing remarkable progress compared to those with no prior exposure to a structured learning environment.

The Reggio Emilia approach and its parallels with Indian parenting underscore the importance of early years education. The period from birth to three years is critical for a child's development, and structured learning during this time can have lasting benefits. At Younglings Early Years, we have combined these insights with our CARE framework and years of experience running educational institutions to create the best early years experience in Gurgaon. As we continue to navigate the evolving landscape of early childhood education, it is crucial to recognize that milestone-based development is the key to unlocking each child's potential and building a brighter future for our society.

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