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Preschool for a 1 year old? This is what it’s like.

In contemporary India, early years education is increasingly becoming as essential as a good school and gentle paediatrician. Once perceived as a luxury for the urban elite or a necessity for dual-income households as it gave them free time in the day, it is now an integral part of our social fabric. In this context, early years education may refer to the education children receive before they are eligible for admission into school (pre-3 years of age). The rise of early years education is not just a reflection of changing family dynamics but a testament to the evolving socio-economic landscape. It reveals much about our society's aspirations, anxieties, and the relentless march towards modernity.

For decades, Indian families thrived on a system of informal childcare and early education. The joint family, with its inherent structure of multiple caregivers, ensured that children were always under watchful eyes and received early education at home. Grandparents played a pivotal role, not just in nurturing but in passing down cultural values and stories. However, as urbanization accelerated and nuclear families became the norm, this support system began to fray. According to the latest census data, nuclear families now make up 70% of urban households. The rapid migration to cities for better job opportunities left many without the traditional safety net. These were our learnings when we set up Younglings Early Years in Gurgaon in 2022, seeking to fill this gap.

Research has shown that ages 0-6 are the most crucial for a child's development. Unfortunately, in India, the 0-3 age group is often kept at home, missing out on structured learning opportunities. This period is vital for cognitive, social, and emotional development, laying the foundation for future learning and behavior. By keeping children at home during these formative years, we miss a critical window for growth and development. Early education programs, especially toddler programs and infant programs, can provide the necessary stimuli and environment to foster early development.

At Younglings Early Years, we developed our CARE framework—Connection, Autonomy, Reflection, and Expression—to address these needs. Our experiments with starting a Reggio Emilia-inspired school in Gurgaon led us to understand the importance of a holistic approach to early education. We focus on nurturing children's ability to connect with others, fostering a sense of autonomy, encouraging reflective thinking, and promoting expressive skills. This curriculum ensures that children not only excel academically but also develop the emotional and social skills necessary for a balanced life.

Parents in urban India are changing, and you'll find people googling "best toddler program in Gurgaon" more frequently. They recognize the value of early education and are seeking the best options for their children. At Younglings Early Years, after years of effort and testing what works, we have developed what we believe is the best toddler program in Gurgaon and India. Our program is designed to provide a rich, stimulating environment that encourages curiosity, exploration, and learning in young children.

However, the majority of parents still need to understand the importance of education for the 0-3 age group and how it is even more crucial than the 3-6 period. In our toddler program in Gurgaon, we have observed that younger children, say at age 1, settle in better and adapt more quickly than older children who have had no exposure to a preschool or prep school environment. This early integration into a structured learning setting helps build a solid foundation for future education.

The rise of early years education in India is a multifaceted phenomenon. It responds to the changing dynamics of Indian families, the aspirations of a burgeoning middle class, and the economic necessities of our times. It encapsulates the tension between tradition and modernity, between professional ambition and parental guilt. As we navigate this complex landscape, it is imperative to recognize that early years education, particularly at the best preschool in Gurgaon like Younglings, is not just about childcare—they are about the future we envision for our children and the society we are building for them.

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